Readers Vote for Color
By: Ben Urich
September 2014
Our Humble abode of New York city may be small, but travelling can be a big hassle if you live on the lower west side of Manhattan. After years of residents writing long pleas to the city council about improving the transportation around our part of town- It is finally here! Anew subway line- right here in hell's kitchen!
On A press conference held at the city hall on the 21st of September, The distinguished mayor of the city announced that the long-awaited extension of the line 7 of the New York city subway network will connect hell's kitchen to greater parts of Manhattan and queens, reducing commute times and making the city more accessible.
The city hall has also released a poll that allows residents to vote for the color of the subway line extension from one of 3 choices: purple, green and orange. The poll closes at midnight on the last day of the month.
The link to the poll is provided below:
We at the New York bulletin highly encourage readers to vote as it ensures safer and reliable commutes for all of us.
written by:
Ben Urich
Senior Editor
New York Bulletin